We were introduced to Amanda through the Master's of Social Work Practicum Program of New Mexico Highlands University. Amanda first served DOG ON IT! during the beginning of our organization to fulfill her Practicum for her master's degree and later went on to become a Level 1 Training Assistant with DOG ON IT!. At the end of her Practicum, we invited Amanda to also serve on our Advisory Board due to the deep understanding she gained of our organization during her Practicum and her in-depth contributions during that time. Amanda clearly loves dogs and people and she has a clear intuitive understanding when working with both. Her intelligence and quick study ability ensures her a bright future in whatever she endeavors and we look forward to the part that will include DOG ON IT!

Noel Simmons first brought her avid sense of detail and diligent work ethic to DOG ON IT! through the Master's of Social Work Practicum Program of New Mexico Highlands University. Noel's work through her Practicum for DOG ON IT! has been no less than a Godsend. After completion of her Practicum with us, Noel chose to go through our Level 1 Training Assistance Program. Noel's love of dogs is incomparable and she loves learning about the detailed subtleties of training techniques. We are so grateful to have her with us as a Training Assistant and invited her to also serve as a DOG On IT! Advisory Board Member due to her deep understand of the organization's mission gained through her Practicum work.

Ruth WaterhouseTRAINING ASSISTANT, Level 1
Besides being a consummate Taos business owner, Ruth Waterhouse has spent her retirement time helping others in need, particularly animals. Donating time at Stray Hearts in recent years and now Equine Spirit Sanctuary, Ruth has also joined DOG ON IT! as a Level 1 Training Assistant. We are so grateful to have her kind spirit, her sense of service and her dedication to our mission. Ruth is particularly sensitive to the needs of others and is excited about learning more in-depth about the inner workings of training service dogs that serve others. Her work at Equine Spirit Sanctuary also utilizes animals to help children in need and the two organizations seem a perfect fit together for Ruth's time and generosity.