Amanda Lopez has been a valuable asset in the beginning of DOG ON IT! First, serving with us during the summer of 2019 through the NEW Mexico Highlands University Master of Social Work Practicum Program, Amanda left an indelible mark on our organization's beginnings. She then went on to achieve a status within our organization as a DOG ON IT! Level 1 Training Assistant, where she demonstrated that she has a natural intuitive ability with the dogs she is working with. Amanda has garnered a deep understanding of the organization, our principals and our goals. We invited her to join us as an honored Advisory Board Member and look forward to her continued involvement with our mission.

Noel Simmons first served DOG ON IT! through the masters of Social Work Practicum Program of New Mexico Highland's University. The work she accomplished for DOG ON IT! through that program was significant for our upstart. Noel has a command of detail and diligence when working toward her goals. Upon her completion of her Practicum, we invited her to become an honorary Advisory Board Member, to further her service to DOG ON IT! through the deep understanding of the organization she had garnered through her Practicum experience with us. Noel further chose to become a Training Assistant with us and we honor her dedication to the training of dogs in service to those in need as the cornerstone of our mission.