gets the dogs on it!
Plain and simple.....WE TRAIN WORKING DOGS.
AND WE ARE PEOPLE-CENTRIC....We do not start with the dog, we start with YOU.
Our philosophy is centered around the person and builds the dog's working vocabulary from the Recipient, whether a person or an agency, and their unique requirements. Being people-centric is the cornerstone of our service to you. This delivers the best possible dog to suit your needs and can save you money in the process!
It is the goal of DOG ON IT! to respect and meet the needs of our clients through being visionary, creative, dynamic, and pro-active.
Our staff of professionals is here to serve you!

Being visionary brings a fresh set of eyes to the table to realize brave new possibilities in the world of working dogs. Failure?...not an option.

While we rely on tried and true methods, we are also open to approaching something creatively to better reach our ultimate goals.

We realize that each situation requires us to be dynamic and ready for change and growth and that this flexibility allows for greater success.

We do not wait around waiting for this to magically happen. We are movers and shakers and not inclined to let sleeping dogs lie.
DOG ON IT! is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization founded by Delinda vanneBrightyn and co-founded by joey blue in 2017.
Being a dog trainer and handling and training search and rescue dogs since 2003, Delinda kept being asked to train service dogs for her individual clients. Although she was skillfully able to train her client's dogs and meet the individaul services required, she quickly realized that her clients needed more than just the "dog training' portion that she was offering privately. Service dog training also needs a certification program of the highest calibre, human services, and veterinary services. In addition, she wanted to deliver this service at a more reasonable price than could be offered through her private training program. Thus, she envisioned and set on a mission to form DOG ON IT!
Enter joey blue! Delinda had trained an alert service dog for joey and through that process, also became good friends. So, Delinda shared with joey her vision to form a service/working dog organization and wanted to know if joey would be interested in helping her get the organization started and to become the lead therapist to consult with the clients the organization served. joey agreed and together they founded DOG ON IT!
Together, joey and Delinda were quickly able to form the DOG ON IT! Board of Driectors, which includes Heather Fox, DVM, Mike Drew, and the REV Rocky Schuster. These fine individuals lend their expertise and love of dogs to this organization and the people it serves.
First, operating under the generous umbrella of One World, One Heart, DOG ON IT! started serving a small select group of Recipients. Now that our federal designation has been received, DOG ON IT! is branching forth to serve more Recipients in 2020 and to steadily grow over the next few years through a comprehensive business plan.
We hope you will follow and support our organization as it reaches through our community and beyond to offer the highest level of professional services to those in need of a service or working dog to serve individuals and/or communities near and far.
Thank you for reading our story!
Being a dog trainer and handling and training search and rescue dogs since 2003, Delinda kept being asked to train service dogs for her individual clients. Although she was skillfully able to train her client's dogs and meet the individaul services required, she quickly realized that her clients needed more than just the "dog training' portion that she was offering privately. Service dog training also needs a certification program of the highest calibre, human services, and veterinary services. In addition, she wanted to deliver this service at a more reasonable price than could be offered through her private training program. Thus, she envisioned and set on a mission to form DOG ON IT!
Enter joey blue! Delinda had trained an alert service dog for joey and through that process, also became good friends. So, Delinda shared with joey her vision to form a service/working dog organization and wanted to know if joey would be interested in helping her get the organization started and to become the lead therapist to consult with the clients the organization served. joey agreed and together they founded DOG ON IT!
Together, joey and Delinda were quickly able to form the DOG ON IT! Board of Driectors, which includes Heather Fox, DVM, Mike Drew, and the REV Rocky Schuster. These fine individuals lend their expertise and love of dogs to this organization and the people it serves.
First, operating under the generous umbrella of One World, One Heart, DOG ON IT! started serving a small select group of Recipients. Now that our federal designation has been received, DOG ON IT! is branching forth to serve more Recipients in 2020 and to steadily grow over the next few years through a comprehensive business plan.
We hope you will follow and support our organization as it reaches through our community and beyond to offer the highest level of professional services to those in need of a service or working dog to serve individuals and/or communities near and far.
Thank you for reading our story!
100% of your donation will be invested in our mission
Target $4000 -------------------------------- Raised $1693